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Since first opening Kids, N Us in 1988, the health and safety of children and staff has always been our top priority. We hold each Kids N Us school to high standards of safety and cleanliness while maintaining a caring and nurturing environment where children can thrive. Here is how we're keeping your child safe:
Custom Classroom Doors
Each classroom door is custom-made to include a door hinge guard with rounded edges. These guards prevent small fingers from being pinched and injured.
Secure Entrances & Exits
​Each school entrance is equipped with a keypad or a Bluetooth reader that requires a code to enter the building. These codes are changed often to ensure security.
Biometric Check-In Station
Once in our school, parents/guardians are required to check their child in and out using a biometric fingerprint scanner. This scanner allows Kids N Us to safely monitor the whereabouts of each child in our care.
Age Appropriate Playgrounds
Playgrounds are securely fenced and designed with safe zones and healthy play environments including separate age-appropriate spaces and equipment.
Frequent Sanitation
Cleaning and sanitizing our equipment, classrooms, and facilities are a paramount value of Kids N Us. Our high expectations for cleanliness are cutting edge in the industry. We frequently disinfect and sanitize high-touch toys and surfaces, in addition to incorporating frequent hand-washing into our curriculum and daily protocols.
Consulting Nurse
Kids N Us has a consulting nurse who conducts monthly on-site visits to keep staff educated in illness prevention practices, feeding schedules, and assessment of growth and development, to name a few. The nurse is available to discuss parent questions and concerns.
Disaster Preparedness
Kids N Us practices monthly fire drills, quarterly earthquake drills, and semi-annual lockdown drills. Further information regarding our disaster preparedness can be found in our Disaster Response Handbook located in the school's lobby.
Sick Policy
At Kids N Us we follow the exclusion guidance from our local health jurisdiction. Children and staff that are displaying signs of illness will be excluded from care until their symptoms have improved, are fever free for 24 hours, and are able to participate in classroom activities. We train our teachers to look for common signs of illness in children and require staff to have first aid & CPR.
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