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Literacy First™ July Parent Ideas

Happy July!

This month we are going to be doing some exciting activities at school, and we want you to be a part of the fun! This month’s theme is COLORS, so your child will be hearing new stories about colors, color words, mixing colors, and so much more. Through a variety of classroom activities, your child will learn about relationships, July, summer, letters, numbers, and why a positive self-concept is important.

You can extend the learning at home with a few simple and fun activities. Check out the PARENT IDEAS for some ways you can engage with your child at home. Make it fun! Let’s have a great month – together!

  • Rainbow Fruit Salad: Make a fruit salad using the different colors of the rainbow. Wash and cut the following fruits into bite-sized pieces (about ½ -1 cup of each fruit): red strawberries, orange cantaloupe chunks, yellow pineapple chunks, green grapes, blueberries, purple plums. Place in a bowl. Drizzle honey on top. Pour in 1 cup of your favorite 100% juice (e.g., cranberry, apple). Mix and serve in colorful bowls.

  • I Spy Something Green: Play a game of I Spy using colors. Take turns with your child. Describe the item by color and add details about size, shape, function and so on. Talk about light and dark hues of colors. Take the game in the car, on the bus, at the store, or wherever you go!

  • Paint, Collage, Chalk, and Color: One of the best ways to explore colors and how they mix is to use art supplies and make colorful creations! Offer your child crayons, markers, paint, pastels, chalk, or other art supplies in various colors. Mix colors and make a beautiful mess! Make a color collage with fabrics, magazine photos, or other dimensional items, too.

  • Color Hunt: Have a color scavenger hunt around your home. Make a list with blocks or circles of color (using crayons or markers). Send your child off to search and find something in each color. Have them collect items in a bag and check each color off the list as they find them. Can your child find something that is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, gray, pink, and white?

  • Color of the Day: Choose a color of the day and focus on that color throughout the day. For example, if you choose orange: wear orange clothing, eat oranges and carrots, drink orange juice, read a book featuring an orange character, collect orange items in your home, draw orange pictures, and so on. Choose a different color tomorrow!​

More books about color

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